

made the planning and implementation
of the undermentioned investments on the field of fodder industry in the passed years:
1995 Kabai Táp Rt., Kaba pellet
compete technological reconstruction of a 10 t/h capacity feed-mill factory
Hódmix Rt., Hódmezővásárhely
Building of a new 8 t/h capacity feed-mill and concentrate factory
1996 Pannon Gabona Rt., Győr kaba
Building of a new 10 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory
Kutyelnyikovó (Ukrajna)
Complete technological reconstruction of a 30 t/h feed-mill factory
BCR, Bábolna
Premix molasses technology
1997 Sága Foods Rt., Szeleste hodmix
Building of a new 15 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory
Hajdúbét Rt., Hortobágy
Complete technological reconstruction of a 10 t/h capacity feed-mill factory
Hajdúbét Rt., Nyírmada
Building of a new 15 t/h capacity pellet factory
BCR, Bábolna
New small component dosing system in a premix factory
Zalaegerszeg Agrár és Ipari Kft., Zalaegerszeg
Complete technological reconstruction of a 6 t/h capacity feed-mill  and pellet factory
1998 Dél Pest Megyei Mg. Rt., Cegléd magyarorszag
Complete technological reconstruction of a 10 t/h capacity feed-mill  and pellet factory
PIG - COOP  Kft., Nyárád
Complete technological reconstruction of a 6 t/h capacity feed-mill  factory
Hódcsillag Mg. Szövetkezet, Hódmezővásárhely-Szikáncs
Building of a new 8 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory
Szentistváni Mg. Szövetkezet, Szentistván
Building of a new 8 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory
1999 Szerencsi Mg. Rt., Szerencs termekek
Complete technological reconstruction of a 15 t/h capacity feed-mill  factory
Enlargement of existing raw material and finished product silos;
Building of serial and paralell pellet lines
2000 VERSELE-LAGA  Monortáp Kft., Csévharaszt agrofeed_c
Builging of hygienisatior – pellet line in existing feed-mill factory
Bagging line and finished product storing section;
Technological reconstruction of pellet line
Bábolnai Takarmányipari Kft., Zalacséb
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill factory
Bábolnai Takarmányipari Kft., Újszász
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill factory
Bábolna Rt. – takarmánykeverő, Nagyigmánd
Complete technological reconstruction of a 30 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory (Turn key contractor: Wijnveen)
2001 Kabai Táp Rt., Kaba pellet
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill and pellet factory
Rohodi Hús Kft., Balsa
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill and pellet factory
2002 Szentistváni Mg. Szövetkezet, Szentistván kolomija
Micro component dosing system
Kabai Táp RT., Kaba
Liquid adding technology
Building of a new 3 t/h capacity premix factory
Building of two expander lines
Autimation of the process control
Hungaro Casing Kft., Budapest
Building of meat-additives and spice mixing factory
2003 Bábolnai Takarmányipari Kft., Mezőhegyes higi
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
Baromfi-Coop Kft., Nyírkércs
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
Nagyhegyesi Takarmány Kft., Nagyhegyes
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
2004 Bácsalmási Agráripari Rt., Bácsalmás termekek
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
Gabona-Kolomija Kft., Kolomija, Ukrajna
Building of a new feed-mill and pellet factory
2005 Palotabozsoki Mg. Rt., Palotabozsok valto
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
AgroFeed Rt., Szalkszentmárton
Building of a new feed-mill, pellet and premix factory
2006 Fitoprodukt Kft., Somogytarnóca olajzo
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
Tedej Rt., Hajdúnánás
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill and pellet factory
2007 2007 Mocsai Búzakalász Szövetkezet, Mocsa uzem_1
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
Kabai Táp Zrt., Kaba
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
2008 Raklap és Tüzép Kft., Ladánybene epitkezes2
Wood pellet factory
Trouw Nutrition Kft., Környe
Enlargement of raw material silos and dosing of grainy raw materials
Larsan-Nor srl., Moldova
Building of a new 10-12 t/h capacity feed-mill and pellet factory
Maselis Hungária Kft., Monor
Enlargement of transit silos
Kabai Táp Zrt., Kaba
New transit silo group
Avicola Shaver srl., Moldova
Building of a new 10-12 t/h capacity pellet factory
TOV ABO MIX, Kolomiya
Enlargement of pelleting capacity
Hage Zrt. Hajdúszoboszló
Complete technological reconstruction of existing feed-mill  factory
2009 BFB Plus, Monor magnes
New grain-mixing and packing line
Monortáp Kft., Csévharaszt
Enlargement of raw material silo group
Nagyhegyesi Takarmány Kft.
Building of a new dog-feed factory
2010 Theeuwes Holding B.V. Gaysin, Ukrajna vitamex
Building of a premix and concentrate factory
AgroFeed, Szalkszentmárton
Enlargement of raw material silo group and installation of automatic bagging – palletizing of the second premix line
TOV ABO MIX, Kolomiya
Reconstruction of feed-mill factory
Palotabozsok Mg. Zrt., Palotabozsok
Technological development of feed-mill factory